European Based Supplier of Quality Bags

Brexit Adjustment Reserve BAR’21

TiszaTextil Kft. is rewarded with a subsidy by the Brexit Adjustment Reserve.

BAR21TizsaTextil Kft. is the renown supplier of logistic transport solutions of FFS, ADPlast, FIBC, and other products of Polyethylene and woven Polypropylene, daily used within Europe. Especially the Brexit and the consequence of an isolated quicker switch to a 30% recycled material in day to day plastics by the UK government put the whole industry in a struggle. Tisza Textil Kft. was in the past a very active supplier to the UK market, convincing the customers with fast reactivity and tailor made solutions; this was on the edge with the move of the UK government. Thanks to the innovation strength and the corporate foresight, Tisza Textil Kft. had the right solutions at the right time but truly was in worries of the extensive changes that had to be done within the production facilities. Not only the pure installations to use the recycled material also the use of sustainable energy support as well as the education of the workforce had to be considered, planned and deployed.

In this situation Tisza Textil Kft. was entitled to apply for a strong support of the Hungarian government – the BAR’21. The dedicated work of our management team and the employees of Tisza Textil Kft. could clearly and in a perfect manner demonstrate how support from governmental side would enable Tisza Textil Kft. to overcome this Brexit hurdle and sustain on the UK market. Finally on the occasion of a winning ceremony in Budapest, Tisza Textil Kft. received the certificate to be one of the subsidized companies in Hungary. Within the subsidy of the Hungarian government in the BAR’21 initiative Tista Textil Kft. was honored with a significant support.

We wish the management team all success with the new installations and the reward by BAR’21.

A Kedvezményezett neve: TiszaTextil Kft

A fejlesztés tárgya, célja: Brexit hatásának kárenyhítése új technológia bevezetésével.

A szerződött támogatás összege: 209,38 millió Ft

A projekt tartalmának részletes bemutatása: A fejlesztés fő célja egy új extrúder és egy új technológia beszerzése, mely által képesek leszünk arra, hogy a PE zsákokat legalább 30 % újrahasznosított anyag felhasználásával előállított tömlőből készítsük el. A környezeti terhelés csökkentése érdekében egy 5,135 kW-os napelemes rendszert helyezünk el az irodaépület tetején, valamint az irodai munkát segítő 2 db laptop kerül beszerzésre.

A projekt tervezett befejezési dátuma: 2023.07.31.

Presentation of the results of the TiszaTextil BAR’21 competition