European Based Supplier of Quality Bags

News & Media

Press releases, Media inquiries, ...

Transparency, openness and courteous communication with all stakeholders is important to TiszaTextil.

At TiszaTextil Packaging in Chaumont, France, we are committed to fostering an environment of fairness, respect and equal opportunity for all our employees. As part of our dedication to transparency and continuous improvement, we’re proud to share our 2024 Equal Pay score, which stands at 92 out of 100. [read more…]

Congratulations to our team in Tiszaújváros! Together with our partner Windmöller& Hölscher TiszaTextil Hungary put a new 5-layer FFS blown film extrusion line into operation. [read more…]

TiszaTextil plays a major role in making the industrial bag business employee and environmentally responsible and economically sustainable. [read more…]

TiszaTextil Kft. is rewarded with a subsidy by the Brexit Adjustment Reserve.
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TiszaTextil Hungary successfully launches new FFS type. TiszaTextil is the European based producer of state-of-the-art SmallBags, especially those based on woven PP and PE film materials. [read more…]

TiszaTextil, the innovative producer of logistic transport solutions for pharmaceutical companies, has enlarged their cleanroom capacity in Tiszaújváros, Hungary. [read more…]

TiszaTextil, most renown producer of flexible inter- and intralogistics solutions for pharmaceutical production works closely with the Pharmaceutical industry to reduce carbon footprint and water consumption for solids handling. [read more…]

TiszaTextil, most renown producer of flexible inter- and intralogistics solutions for pharmaceutical production has enlarged its lean expert support to promote cost cuttings in Pharma solids production. [read more…]